The “Right To Work” is a ridiculous term for laws crafted to make it harder to unionize. The GOP has been fighting unions for decades. And how’s that been working? How have tax breaks been doing for working people?
The freedom to work without paying union dues sounds good to the individual. But it sounds much better to the shareholders and CEOs! Because if there are no unions, there’s no bargaining. There’s no leverage. There are no strikes. AND there’s no living wage either. Workers have no protection. And, no they can’t just quit and work somewhere else as Ivanka suggested. It just doesn’t work that way.
Unions have been coming back. Biden took to the picket lines for the UAW, a president has FINALLY drawn the line saying no more will corporations whine their way into socialism for corporations while imposing capitalism on people.
What did the union president say? “Donald Trump stands against everything we stand for as a society.” Why would he say that? Because Donald Trump made it harder for working people to stand unified to fight for what they need.
Don’t let the corporations win again. STAY THE COURSE. It’s once again #BidenTime. You have 124 days until the election. Drag everybody you know to the side of democracy. Get them registered now.