Former President, insurrectionist, HAMAS provoker, Netanyahu buddy, business cheater, business fraud, indicted, impeached, barred from holding any office Trump had a horrible showing in South Carolina as he garnered less than 60% of the voters. That’s not great (for him).
Nonetheless, there’s a threat that this completely unacceptable candidate could win the nomination and be elected (even though, again, he’s still Constitutionally barred from holding office as he is an insurrectionist).
While there is only one legitimate candidate running for president, Joe Biden, who will fight for democracy and sign laws to protect it, the only way those laws get to his desk is with a Senate and House that are have significant Democratic majorities.
And if for some reason, the electoral college squeaks a win for Trump and the Supreme Court of the United States doesn’t do their job and block Trump from inauguration (in 46 days), only Congress will be able to stop the recklessness that led to massive tax breaks for the rich, women’s rights, LGBTQIA rights, civil rights, being chopped up, heated up rhetoric causing a cult like mob to foment into an insurrection based on lies and half truths.
Only congress can stop Trump.
This year is about a mandate.
Every contested seat must shift left or we face a return to steamrolling right into a Christian based nation where freedom of speech looks like that of Putin’s or Netanyahu’s, where at best insult and bullying are the responses to speaking truth, or at worst revenge and incarceration.
Americans have a chance to tell the hard right extremists, the pro-corporate tax breakers, the fanatical Christian right, and the border junkies that the Rule of Law remains the rule of America and we will never ever tolerate the Rule of Fear taking its place.
This is the year that politics is a discussion topic. Because every seat matters.
In 122 days, when the last vote is counted. We must make sure it spells the end of the failed GOP. Any conservative who hasn’t been tricked into believing the lies of Fox et. al, will join with the Democrats and end the pretense that the GOP has anything to offer real Americans.
The countdown continues toward Mandate 2025.