When Joe Biden gets inaugurated in 47 days, will Donald Trump have helped him pass a bi-partisan border bill that he urged the United State’s House to kill?
At the border yesterday. Mr. Biden didn’t just urge the congress to get the job done, he offered to have Donald Trump join him. This is what character looks like. Offering to work with a loathsome worm who spits bile and hate, because the American people want a solution after decades of nothing.
“The majority of Democrats and Republicans in both houses supported this legislation until someone came along and said ‘Don’t do that, it’ll benefit the incumbent,’” Biden said Thursday in a reference to Trump.
“That’s a hell of a way to do business in America for such a serious problem,” he added. “We need to act.”
Biden implored Republicans to “show a little spine.”
“Let’s remember who we work for for God’s sake,” he said. “We work for the American people.”
Addressing Trump, Biden said: “So instead of playing politics with the issue, why don’t we just get together and get it done?”
Will Donald Trump do this? We’ll see.
With a Democratic majority Senate and a Democratic majority House, the job would have been done. And just like Obamacare, it would have included the good ideas offered from either side of the aisle.
That’s how we move forward.