George on the dollarGeorge on the dollar

The government and unions are the ONLY thing protecting citizens. The American public is finally starting to realize that while a “free market” with competition has real benefits, but without serious oversight by government and unions, it runs roughshod over workers’ rights and the environment and quickly devolves into monopolies that take away all the benefits of competition.

Progress demands constant growing intervention by the government to make sure people are treated fairly. We need regulated capitalism with social protections for all, not unbridled monopolies and multinational mega-corporations with oversight.

The Biden Administration has finally started fighting back. Credit card fees, banking fees, overdraft fees, interest rates. Decades businesses have been lobbying AND WRITING POLICIES that do NOT protect Americans.

We need a second Biden Administration. We need Democrats. They are the only party that is finally beginning to recognize the damage that Money in Politics has wrought.

Rep. Ted Lieu, Sen Van Hollen, Rep FouShee, and Sen. Lugan have finally introduced a bicameral bill for campaign finance reform AND Publicly Funded Elections. This can break the back of the lobbyists letting candidates who aren’t fundraising machines run for office too.

In November, we must make the Executive and Legislative branches of government BLUE because we need problem solvers, not problem makers leading America.

Voting ends in 123 days. Make sure you leave it all on the field this year. Every voter counts. Every vote counts. Majority over MAGA. End the reign of the GOP for good.

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