If he can do it, SO CAN MAGA! STOP THEM. The collapse of the tradition George Washington began when he stepped does of American presidency (not a dictator, not a king) is in the American voter’s hands.
“Starting with the Second Orbán Government in 2010, during his uninterrupted stay in power, Orbán has curtailed press freedom, weakened judicial independence, and undermined multiparty democracy, amounting to democratic backsliding during Orbán’s tenure. He frequently styles himself as a defender of Christian values in the face of the European Union, which he claims is anti-nationalist and anti-Christian. His portrayal of the E.U. as a political foe while accepting its money and funneling it to his allies and relatives has led to accusations that his government represents a kleptocracy. It has also been characterized as a hybrid regime and dominant-party system.” – Wikipedia