In response to a poster complaining that both parties are members of a different class working together to keep control and that they both need to somehow go:

You can’t say that the words of Trump and the words of Biden are in the same sphere and that there are two sides of the coin.

That you would think a “Democrat” doesn’t care is not seeing the whole picture. Have you actually worked within the system? When does a politician go from a true believer to a member if the “political class”? Sarah Palin for instance? Mitch McConnell? Richard Nixon? John Dean? Trump??

Do you get a special handshake When you’re in? 

 Where’s the line? And where are the whistleblowers??

If there was anybody trying to uphold the “war” between the parties, I’d say look to who profits. Fox, CNN…. Their corporate goal of making money for shareholders is certainly achieved making every news story as persistently in doubt for as long as possible.

Every time Biden shows his clarity and wisdom in his well written and heart felt speeches, these for-profit 24/7 media global entities prop up Trump. Back and forth, until the election is decided by 10k votes in one precinct?!? That isn’t collaboration of the political class, that’s media.

My point is that if you listen to the actual words of the actual politicians there ARE clear messages.

One is clearly in the center with sanity and consideration using science and measurement and actually putting out solutions that are as sensible as corporations will allow (money in politics IS a huge problem, thanks SCOTUS). The ACA (Obamacare) tried to do more, but for big money. And finally after decades of both parties being patsies to corporations, Biden IS fighting back. He’s supported unions and called out monopolies. And is dancing a very tough line with Israel.

On the other side you’ve got a team who has pulled the nation to the right for decades. Look at taxes. Even with Democrats in office the taxes for the rich and corporations hardly ever went back up. And the theocratic crap? A Christian nation? No. You have one party taking middle, and one off the deep end.

You have a point nonetheless. But history has shown us the answer. Voting out all reps (even the dog catcher?) is not reality and you know that. And revolution means war.

Not going there, not happening, (unless Biden can’t put down the next deranged insurrection.), but he will,

No, the answer is: “Where are the Whigs and the Tories?”

We don’t need both parties gone.

Just one party.

And you know which one leads to an American survival and which one leads to another imperial oligarchy like Turkey or Russia….

No. Persuade ALL your followers to obliterate the GOP.

Only when there is ONE party can we fight for human reform from within.

In a decade or so, the one party will split but it’ll be two sane parties.

Play the long game!

Right now, the cancer of trickle down MAGA has infected the minds of too many. They are truly deluded. That party must be excised BEFORE anything can be accomplished. Period.

And this IS a possibility, but only if you and everybody spends every minute persuading voters that we have a chance to stop the slide into being like Turkey. But it boils down to this NOVEMBER. The ballots are counted in 122 days.

Use your energy wisely.

Daniel Boris's Artwork of a Trump alien coming out of a GOP Elephant's chest.
Trumplien MAGAtasticized – Daniel Boris
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