A Blue Tsunami must pulverize the GOP. The Presidential Election is 124 days away. On that day and for the week that follows, a light must dawn on the right wing that they have been led astray and have let hate and fear drive them off a cliff of their own delusion.
New Hampshire’s results, have much significance even though they shouldn’t.
Don’t let the opportunity go by. There are many people on the fence who will be saddened by another Trump “win”. They want America to remain a nation of compassion, where we work hard and can resolve anything with always better ways than what happened in the past.
We must hold our course steady toward the progress Joe Biden and the Democrat’s work has brought about. Making unions stronger, infrastructure spending here in America, and continuing to protect patients has finally started to boost the lives of working people. Tax cuts for the rich don’t cut it.
Have things gotten better for workers in 50 years of tax cuts? No.
This isn’t Socialism. This is striking a balance between the cold dead eyes of capitalism and the compassion of all being on the same boat on the same ocean on the same planet where if everyone is educated, healthy, and safe, we all do better. We don’t need the ultra-rich to remain ultra-rich.
Make sure the message gets out. Hold the course with Biden. Learn what it takes to turn folks to the clarity of saving the working class. For instance, the GOP didn’t want to force drug companies to lower the price of insulin. With uncontrolled corporate profit, they STILL believe the free market and trickle down works. 5 decades says NOPE!
Make sure everybody you know votes for Joe. Start now and don’t stop.
#BidenTime #JunkTheGOP #MashMAGA