While many people seem to think a caravan of men, women and children walking toward America with nothing but sacks of clothes is an “invasion”, rational people realize this is ridiculous. Who would contort the meaning of words and misconstrue a situation so callously and falsely? Who would demonize these humans? Who cares so little about the consequences of his words that he has the full throated support of insurrectionists and white nationalists?

Not Joe Biden. Which is why every day counts. Every day Trump poisons the minds of his followers is another day bringing us closer to calamity fed by hate, fear, and ignorance.

Let no MAGA go unchallenged. Their world view is built on simple destruction as the answer. Tear down Obamacare. Tear down NATO. Tear down the rule of law. No solutions, just get rid of everything that is a threat to their power. This is not leadership. And it is not wise. This is anti-American and the opposite of Joe Baden’s Administration.

Stop the corporate greed party and stop their leader for good. We do need conservatives, rational conservatives out there, they must join the Democrats and jettison the GOP and Trump. The GOP represents revenge and power, and only serves the rich. This is not how you make America great. Helping all Americans have a decent life, health, and safety, NOT scrounging paycheck to paycheck is.


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