America has been sliding to the right for more than 34 years.
This is what it looks like.
Wealth Disparity:
In the 1800s, Americans were the tallest people in the world…
But now, Americans are getting shorter. Average height has been in decline since about 1980.
What’s causing that and why does it matter? Here’s an answer: Reaganomics.
Life Expectancy
Spend the most on healthcare, die sooner.

If America keeps marching to the right, we’ll go right over a cliff. The evdince is clear, the experiment has failed. The “Free Market” is a meaningless term to take advantage of the government and the citizens. Trickle down doesn’t.
Grow up. Work together. Think of everybody. Vote for Democrats. They represent the people, not the corporations. Joe Biden is the first president to start turning away from that cliff. We must support him and his party to bring back sanity and reality to all Americans.