United States Presidential Inauguration Countdown to January 20, 2025

POTUS' Lecturn

How long is it until the Presidential Inauguration?

It is 46 days from today.

This will be a momentous day for the United States, where finally the forces of greed, corporatism, extreme nationalism, intolerance, and prejudice, are given the education they should have been receiving for 50 years. They are wrong for America and wrong for the planet.

What are you doing to prevent the alternate reality where America becomes the biggest power in the world with a zero compassion leader like Netanyahu with a population of 30 times that of Israel, caring nothing for the people who aren’t loyal, taking revenge out on opponents, using every possible legal or violent mean to avoid the consequence of his actions no matter how far it bends the laws or hurts people?

Make sure you vote. Make sure for every MAGA voter out there, you bring five or ten people to obliterate the movement that is rattling the entire structure of our Democracy.


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