Joe Biden is a Democrat, not a Socialist, or a Marxist. He’s not taking away guns. He can form complete sentences that don’t involve bullying or lying. He has served the nation for practically his entire life.

Are you going to let a cult of nationalist extremists take over, led by an “emperor” who watched the Capital “burn” while doing nothing? Are you going to continue to believe that less taxes are going to save your butt? How is it that we now have centibillionaires? Trump’s tax cuts. Are you better off? How long have the rich been getting richer and richer while at least 55% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck?

And MAGA thinks by cutting taxes on corporations somehow after doing JUST THAT for fifty years, somehow this time things will change?


We’ve been moving to the right for half a century. Since Reagan. We’re driving off a cliff. We must turn around. Who will be president in 48 days?

#TorpedoTrump. #MashMAGA. #GutTheGOP. They are a failed minority.

But they are also a threat if YOU don’t do your part to beat them in a landslide.

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