lo Maderebner

Just today the Biden-Harris Administration put a pause on pending decisions on Liquid Natural Gas exports. It considers the promises we’ve made to Europe and is wisely taking a pause so that haste doesn’t lead to people suffering. We’ve got a leader who is finally joining the rest of the world and facing Climate Change.

This is how a President and a government can work. Negotiating the future with thoroughness, looking hard at the complexities of issues, facing challenges as opportunities for progress, are the tools of great leaders. On the other side you have emotion, egotism, self righteousness, fear mongering, and idle promises. Infrastructure got boosted with Biden. Trump promised and did nothing.

Let’s make sure some thoughtless creep, out of spite and revenge, doesn’t roll back the good work Joe Biden has done. And you KNOW that’s why he’ll do it. He just promised to replace Obamacare with “something better”. AGAIN. Sheesh.

The election is coming on November 5th. That’s 48 days away. By then we need every voter to KNOW what Biden has done for the nation.

Learn it, live it. Relate it to yourself. Go FACT those MAGAs!


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